Why it’s important to cover your laptop camera even when its off

If you own a laptop you definitely have a laptop camera. These cameras always have lights next to them to let you know when they are on. In all operating systems there is a way to allow and not allow access to certain apps or softwares to your camera. These functions are great for anyone who is worried about personal privacy.

But what happens when these functions don’t work and there is software made to work around these blocking features. Well first lets talk about who would want these work arounds. This type of unauthorized access is mostly done by governments. These type of systems are deployed and made by companies so its safe to say that any one could access these types of spyware to gain access to your computers.

There are many laptops that come with a hardware switch that would either disconnect the laptop camera from any connection. Or it comes with a lens that simply covers it. Both of these features are what you should be looking for if you are looking for a laptop with privacy in mind. The most recent one I have used is the Lenovo think-pad. They employ a camera switch that covers the camera when appropriate.

If you have a laptop but never use the camera it is best to simply cover it with a piece of paper and tape. Lots of people like to use stickers also.

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