Why is Decentralized authority in the internet good?

What is Decentralization?

The definition of Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

Through the last 7 years we have seen an explosion of thought for decentralization whether that be for government or the money we use such as bitcoin. These types of thoughts are not coming from the places of power they are coming from places such as blog post like mine and chat boards like reddit. To decentralize the government or the money we use that means we have to move the use and control too many people. Why do people think this would benefit the populous? As it already stands the government on your local and state level is already very decentralized meaning a local county official can deal with your utilities problem better than anyone in the governors office or on the federal level.

To decentralize the government even more would mean moving federal and state agencies to the proper areas of the country where it would beneficial for the people as a whole. There is no coincidence that one of the richest zip codes in the country is outside of Washington D.C. This is the product centralized control all the money flowing in and none of flowing out. This is the same thing happening with the internet which could possibly be destructive for everyone involved.

How this relates to the Internet

The internet is built on the core principle of decentralization and companies are trying to take that away. Google, Amazon, Azure all run the biggest hosting platforms and provide services to large companies. This is all well and good but when one of those companies has an outage for 30 minutes then half the apps and websites you use go down with it. This kind of conglomeration of companies on one VPS provider is the antithesis of the internet because one mistake and everything stops working. Now imagine a problem where all three of them went down at the same time, most companies would not know what to do.

Decentralization is key everyone should be operating at least their own raspberry Pi which runs their own linux server for them. It allows for more resiliency and openness and also expands the creativity of the person using their own server. If we don’t have a ability to make decisions on how we operate our own way through the internet then it will crumble.

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