Where does your data go once stolen?

There are over 2,200 cyberattacks that happen a day and climbing. To think your data will never be stolen or has never been stolen is a very bad way to think. This type of thinking creates bad habits in operational security with your private information and leaves you vulnerable to getting your identity stolen. Stolen data will be the most sought after asset in the near future. But where does it go once its stolen? There are multiple places they could end up

Places your stolen data ends up


This is where most of the illegal activity by cybercriminals happen. The DarkWeb is a conglomeration of anonymous users and anonymous servers that are mostly untraceable. They stay anonymous using the Tor Network. So when your data ends up on the DarkWeb it is on these anonymous servers. They sell your information in a bundle with other user information on a marketplace that is under no regulation. Which then is used to steal your identity or many other crimes that could harm you.


DataBorkers can handle either stolen data or legally sourced data, they store large pools of data privately on their own servers and sell them to private individuals on the internet who can use them maliciously or use that private information they have on you to send you personalized ads. These people usually clean up the data given to them and sell it in more readable and usable forms.


Another place data can end up is on website that you can download the data for free. These places usually use a system where anonymous computers operate as “seeders” which stores a part of the file which people can then download. Sometimes your data can also end up on websites such as bitechute. they are known for freedom of information online

Check out our Article on how to stay anonymous!

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