What the Chinese balloon means for your Security.

Recently there was a Chinese Balloon floating through the continental US. This ballon was believed to be a spy balloon, but these reports are very narrow in what this object could be or what it can do.

This ballon has a range of capabilities that it is not being reported on in the mainstream articles. This includes EMP’s and Fire balloons which is a very real possibility if China were to get hostile with US. But if this balloon is using spy satellites to capture information from your phone like said in the mainstream article the only thing you can do is use a Faraday Cage. This will block and signals coming from your device or going to your device.

A Faraday Cage or Bag will also protect you from a EMP because it blocks those same signals that could harm your device. Obviously you are not going to want to keep your device in a bag 24/7 because you are worried about a EMP. You want to have a backup device in your bag stored in a safe and dry place.

The reason the Chinese would you use these type of balloons for an EMP is because if they were to use a missile it would be very easy to counter and take out. But if they use many balloons with smaller EMP devices they could use hundreds of Balloons for a cheaper cost. Which could overwhelm any countries defense systems because there is simply too many.

So to think that EMP’s or Spying on your devices are not a possibility in this rapidly changing world is very childish to say. There are many products online you can find to protect your devices from these types of attacks.

Here is an article with Faraday Bags that I recommend to use against any type of Chinese Balloon attacks.