What is the cloud network and VPN’s

The cloud network is a technology that has revolutionized the tech industry. It allows businesses to make and use applications without the expensive back end support they would need with operation of hardware and infrastructure. They have grown rapidly because of the flexibleness and cost efficiency of the product. One of the most crucial components of the cloud network is Virtual Private Networks or also known as (VPN’s).

What is Cloud Networking?

Cloud networking is a name that refers to use of virtual resources that are located in a centralized location; these resources include hardware, networking, cooling and other infrastructure. Cloud networking lets companies, organizations and governments create and manage network infrastructure in a way that allows them to grow as they see fit. This type of growth is very cost effective because if companies need to scale or downscale then they don’t have too much hardware or not enough hardware which can come at a cost to a company. This cost effectiveness allows for cheaper and better services to be created for customers.

Types of Cloud Networking

The three main type of cloud networking is public, private and hybrid.

Public cloud networking involves using a company that provides the cloud services to many customers, not just one person. The whole networking infrastructure is owned and managed by the provider which their customers pay a cost effective fee to gain access. Public cloud networking is perfect for small or medium sized companies that have not yet scaled to a great size.

Private cloud networking involves the use of dedicated hardware and infrastructure to provide those networking services. This type of service is owned and operated by a provider but companies pay for the use of dedicated servers that are only used by one customer instead of splitting it between multiple customers like public cloud networking. Private cloud networking is ideal for organizations that require more control over their networking infrastructure.

Hybrid cloud networking is the combination of both private and public cloud networking. It lets large businesses take advantage of both types of networking.

Amazon can be considered a cloud computing provider.

What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure network connection that allows people to connect to a private network over a long distance with out the worry of data being seen. A VPN encrypts the traffic between the users device and a network like a laptop to your companies private network. This ensures data can’t be accessed by anyone else.

Why Use VPN in Cloud Computing

Security: The VPN protocol encrypt the traffic between the users device and the network, which stops unauthorized eyes from looking at your data.

Access Control: The operator of the network can control who ever is using it. They can add people or take them off at any time.

Flexibility: VPN’s allow people to connect to a network any where in the world as long as they have a internet connection.

Low cost: VPN’s allow for low cost on secure connections because otherwise they would need expensive hardware and infrastructure which can be very costly.

Types of VPN’s

There are many types of VPN’s which include:

Site-to-Site VPN allows for two networks or more to connect to each other securely

Remote Access VPN: This allows users to access securely from any where on the internet.

SSL VPN: A SSL VPN uses secure socket layer protocol which allows for users to have a secure connection to a private network.

IPsec VPN: An IPsec VPN uses Internet Protocol Security to provide secure remote access to a private network which is a different way than SSL because IpSec and SSL are two different protocols.

Interested in your own Virtual Private Server?

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