Virtual Private Server and Cloud

You may be asking what the difference between Virtual Private Server and Cloud is.

There is no difference. Cloud and Virtual Private Servers are the same. Cloud is just an easy to remember nickname given to Virtual Private Servers (VPS).

Here is a VPS service you can use

So what is a Virtual Private Server?

A VPS is what the name says it is. Its a “Virtual Server” meaning a computer you can store information on over the internet. You can have it do any type of work that the hardware can handle. “Private” meaning you are the only one who can access the information it store or produces. Its like having your own very expensive computer but without actually buying one and keeping it in your house.

There are many variables you can adjust to your VPS to make it the best fit for you.

Here are some of the variables VPS services offer

Cores: The amount of cpu cores is crucial for any type of processing the server has to do. This type of processing could be used for video encoding so if you are running a server for your own personal streaming of home videos then a virtual private server would be Ideal for you.

Storage Size: All VPS services provide adjustable storage. It can range all the way down to 100 gigabytes or less to 100 terabytes many services offer more storage if you get in contact with them.

RAM: Random Access Memory, Ram can also be adjustable and is good to have a lot of it if you are constantly accessing big files from your VPS. The Random Access Memory will act a faster storage that is always ready to move.

BandWidth: Bandwidth is how fast your data travels in and out of your VPS but this BandWidth will only be as high as your ISP allows in your contract.

Virtual Private Serves also are good for Web hosting and AI training.

Interested in your own Virtual Private Server?

Interested in a VPN?

Here is a related blog post on the cloud.

Privacy if you are Rich or Poor

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