The Most Private VPN is a Personal VPN

Every website, blog post and youtube video all are overloaded with VPN ads. We are not here to say it wrong because we run those same ads as well. But it is important to understand that paying for these VPN services may not be in your best interest in certain circumstances. They can be important for on the go and people who are not tech savvy. But if you understand computers and network infrastructure your best path might be creating your personal VPN.

Paid VPN

This paid VPN description is for all the big names you have heard of or will hear of in ads or see on this website. These VPN’s are great for your phone and laptop for a secure connection in a pinch. This helps with blocking the average Wireshark troller on open networks. They also of course secure your anonymity and what websites you are trafficking to, stoping from data being leaked to data banks and any one who is looking for information. All well in good if you’re the average internet surfer but these services don’t add in the some benefits like many VPN’s like to advertiser such as the ability to look like you are streaming Netflix from a different country but in reality these companies know the exit Ip address of all of these VPN services and block them from being used on their service.

We’ve mentioned this before in a previous post but it never good to fully trust a service when they say they are “not logging your traffic” because their are multiple instances/examples of companies lying through their teeth on what they are and are not tracking like the Anom Phone. They other issue is setting up services in which all devices can use in your home. Normal VPN services can’t hook up to your home network like a personal VPN can.

Personal VPN

A personal VPN is a VPN that is entirely run by yourself with out the involvement of a VPN service. We have a detailed post on how to make your own VPN. Heres a youtube video that shows the same. But it is important to discuss its benefits

  1. Enhanced Privacy: When you set up your own VPN, you have complete control over the server and its configuration. This allows you to ensure maximum privacy by implementing robust encryption, choosing secure protocols, and managing your own logging policies.
  2. Total Control: With a personal VPN, you have full control over the server’s location, ensuring that your data doesn’t pass through third-party servers that may compromise your privacy. You can set up the VPN on a trusted device or server that you manage, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your data.
  3. Cost Savings: A personal VPN eliminates the need for a subscription to a paid VPN service, saving you money in the long run. While there may be some upfront costs associated with setting up your own VPN, it can be more cost-effective over time, especially if you plan to use it for an extended period.
  4. Customization: By setting up your own VPN, you can tune it to your specific needs. such as customize encryption settings, protocols, and other parameters to optimize performance and security based on your requirements.
  5. Speed and Performance: Personal VPNs can provide better speed and performance compared to shared VPN services. Since you control the server and the bandwidth, you can ensure that there are no bottlenecks or congestion issues that might arise from a shared service.
  6. Reduced Dependency: Relying on a paid VPN service means you are dependent on their servers and infrastructure. If the service experiences downtime or technical issues, it can disrupt your VPN connection. With a personal VPN, you have more control and can address any issues promptly without relying on a third party.
  7. Avoiding Suspicion: Some online services or websites may treat users of VPN services with caution, as they are often associated with anonymous browsing or circumventing geographical restrictions. By using a personal VPN, you can avoid such suspicion and ensure uninterrupted access to services that might block or limit VPN connections.
  8. Learning Experience: Setting up a personal VPN can be an educational and rewarding experience. It allows you to gain knowledge about networking, encryption, and server administration, which can be valuable in understanding and enhancing your overall digital security.

Using a service like Intersever to host your VPN allows you to log your own connections and make sure there isn’t anything happening you wouldn’t approve of. You can set parameters so when something suspicious is happening like a computer sending data to a place with out your approval, you can block it. These types of methods of logging and tracking improve your security 10 fold for any type of data that could be leaked.

Running your whole home through your personal VPN allows you to have one IP address even with your mobile devices. So if you are abroad and want to access your Hulu, Netflix or Disney+ accounts, these services wont know you’re out of country and you can access the same content with no moderation. With more companies moving towards a no password sharing policy to pump up cost. Sharing your VPN to people who you want to use your accounts like Netflix will be easier than paying an extra dollars a month on more account.

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