Never Tell Anyone Your Plans. – Security

Every day you wake up and scroll through social media and see a different person on vacation or post a random picture of their passport. These type of post are very dangerous, especially if your profile is public. The people who post about their location are setting up themselves to be targeted. Either their homes or their person.

Criminals are creatures of opportunity. What do I mean by this? It means they will attack any chance when the odds are slightly in their favor. So if you post something that shows you are away from your house, now criminals know your house is empty and the opportunity is created. If you post online at dinner with expensive jewelry then you become a target at the restaurant. Here is an example.

Stop telling people your business plans

Yes it is beneficial to tell people what your business plans are if you are trying to acquire capital or receive feedback but when you tell someone you are starting something yourself they either get jealous or tell you it’s not smart. There’s always a million reasons not do something and most people listen. Once the business becomes successful your friends and family will now use you for their own gain.

This leads into another point never tell anyone except your SO how much you make. If you have to say a number make sure its the lowest in the room.

It’s pretty easy to practice these things every day because you are constantly being tested with interactions of new people. Many people feel the urge to post something new on social media. Don’t. just by not doing this alone you are insulated from many security concerns.

This article leads into a similar topic I have talked about before Privacy: Rich or Poor be sure to check it out.

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