Is Putting Everything on the Cloud Smart? No

If you are a person who lives an average life with an average wage and not politically out spoken then, yes everything can go own the cloud.

If you are not what I describe then everything is free game. Your data can be deleted in an instant. You can be found in an instant whenever the government or corporation deems appropriate. On boarding data, websites and personal information in your own server is the best thing possible. No one can de-platform you when it’s convenient.

Apple has decided to take it upon themselves to scan all of the photos on the cloud for illegal content. This brings a lot of privacy questions into fruition. As we know once they have access to your information in virtual storage they will do what they want with it. Every company who has access to your information will say they wont access it maliciously. But then end up finding out they are actively violating your privacy. People who are more inclined with technology run their own servers and software to stream their own content, post their own content.


If you’re looking to run your own server, Bluehost is one of the best in the business and has a lot of versatility to run your own cloud network.

Using the Cloud

But 80% of the time you are stuck using the platform provided by the corporation. So what do you use in this instance? You find the best VPN suited to your use case and reveal very little information about yourself. I like to use SurfShark.

If you want to go the next step some individuals pay yearly for many services online and use gift cards. This allows individuals to provide almost no personal information to the corporation while using their product.

The alternate angle is you may trust the company with your data. But there are other bad actors to worry about. These people will scavenge the web looking for potential victims and before you know it your Social security, Name and DOB is floating on the web for sale and there is nothing you can do about it.