How to Stay Anonymous Online

How do you stay anonymous online? It is fairly easy to keep your privacy online if you stay aware. You can stay semi anonymous for free or if you pay a couple of bucks a month and are fine with slower internet, then no one will know where you are or who you are.

How to Stay Anonymous:

Step 1

Where does your internet connect to? Any Person can look at your IP address when you connect to an outside host and see exactly where you are located and what kind of operating system you are using at the minimum. Don’t believe me? Track your IP yourself. So how do you solve this. You can mask your IP by surfing the web on Tor or you can download a free VPN or buy a VPN monthly.


Tor is a Web Browser that allows you to connect to other computers before it dumps you out to the internet which shows the last IP you traveled through. The downsides of Tor is it can often be slower than normal internet because these connections to different computers before making it to your target search take a while because of the different access points.


A Free Virtual Private Network allows you to surf the internet without the multiple connections to computers at a faster speed which masks your IP through the VPN protocol but because its free you are putting your information through a company that will probably sell it. Also the connection will most likely be much slower than a paid VPN.


A paid Virtual Private Network allows for fast internet connection while staying anonymous online plus all the benefits described from the free VPN . The VPN I use is SurfShark.

Step 2

What Operating System are you using and what settings are activated? Your operating system could openly leaked information about your computer without you ever knowing especially if you don’t update your OS when regularly. Here is an example. Knowing just a little bit about your operating system is the key to staying anonymous online.

Step 3

What Browser are you using? The most notorious browser that tracks and sells your user information is Google Chrome. Remember if something is free then you are the product. The reason their searches are so good because it knows what you want before you know what you want. This type of browser saves all your searches and compiles a profile of you to sell to other companies so they can sell things to you. Brave Browser is the browser I recommend the most because of it versatility on what you allow the internet to see and the amount of setting you can tweak.

These software type changes keep you anonymous from corporations, governments and bad faith actors which is so crucial now.