How to Air-Gap a device and what it does

To have a device that is Air Gaped it means this device does not have the ability to connect to the internet. Any data this device has or created has to be done with the laptop physically. Hackers do 99% of their destruction and stealing through an internet connection. Being Air Gaped does not mean you simply turn off your internet connection. It means this device has never and will never connect to the internet.

When you buy a device that you intend to be air gapped you have to buy a device that does not have any antennas that transmit radio frequencies. If they do have the antennas like cellular antenna or bluetooth you can take the device apart and remove them.

Most people would opt to just never turning these functions on. The best way to know you are not connected to any form of internet connection is by taking the hardware out that enables that function. There are tutorials online on how to take out hardware from any device.

What goes on an Air Gapped device?

Many Crypto enthusiasts use this strategy of Air Gaping a device to protect their crypto coins from hackers. They use this device as a signatory on a transactions. So if a person were to try to get access to someones crypto funds they would need to physically have the air gapped device. It can also be used to store any type of sensitive documents or data.

Another plus with having an Air-Gapped device is any person who has access to your Local Internet IP addresses wont know you own this device. This could be government snooping around your internet to see how many devices connect to it and what IP addresses are of the devices. Another step beyond that would be paying for the device with cash.

These types of steps are necessary if you have any type of sensitive information that needs to be stored on a computer. But don’t trust anyone other than your self with it.

Here is an article about privacy being important no matter your income.