Encryption, Do you need it?

Encryption is a key component of online security and keeping all your data safe from online hackers and bad actors.

What is Encryption?

Encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the plain text of code into an alternative form known ciphertext. Ideally only an authorized party can decipher the ciphertext back to plaintext to access the original information. There are two main type of encryption. CloudFlare elaborates on this on their website, “The two main kinds of encryption are symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption is also known as public key encryption.”.

How does it help you

When you are connecting to the internet that instance is being sent around the world. The initial connection contains lots data about your computer whether you like it or not. The best thing you need to do is to encrypt that data that is being sent over internet. You wouldn’t want any one looking at your letter that you sent to your brother in the mail so why should you let millions of people see your messages being sent over the internet. So to encrypt the data before you send it no one can read this data. It protects your important financial data, health data and any other private data thats important to you.


The best way to encrypt your data over the internet is using the VPN Protocal. This protocol will protect all your data in transit until it gets to the source. Once it gets to the source it is up to that website to protect your information which most of them you can trust and some of them you have to be weary of. Click on this if you want to learn about VPN’s more.

Securing data at rest

Encryption not only protects your information in transit but also at rest. Encrypting data at rest is so much more reliable than in transit because you don’t need to send a key to the receiver of the information to unlock the data. All you need to do to unlock your data is to remember your password. At rest encryption is so good now that many companies getting locked out of their own data by hackers on their network are having to pay ransoms for that data. This is because there is no other way to get in. So make sure your computer is encrypted at all times.

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