Data Security when flying out of country

When is your device security and data security at its most vulnerable? When someone else has complete access to it with out your control

Now this is a key point; when you are flying whether it be inside your country or out country. Every time you enter an airport you have to go through TSA to get on a plane. So as you know every-time you go through these checkpoints you have to allow your devices to go through a separate system like an X-ray machine . This is in good faith to keep everyone in the air safe but allows the governments to take your items whenever they see fit and “inspect” them.

The governments are widely known for copying data on phones. No matter who you are or what you do you can be a target of this type of resource gathering. You may say well why do care I don’t have anything to protect or hide. Well, you always do your data should never be accessible by the government because its your right and should invoke it. The story I linked earlier shows that customs has gathered data from over 10,000 phones. You think every one of those phones were subject to a warrant or anything illegal? No.

Data Security is the utmost importance in this day of age. If you were born with a cellphone in your hand then that phone has every single piece of your life on it. Now imagine someone you don’t know having access to that. You feel dirty.

What can you do stop these type of actions from taking place in the Airport?

First and most obviously you need a password on all devices but passwords that are different from your other devices. Next and not obvious print out your ticket for your flight that you arriving to your destination on and the return flight ticket. The reason behind this is because these border patrol agencies around the world and in the US employ tactics to have you open your phone. This could be something like “do you have the ticket for your flight” then you open your phone to show them. Which they then snatch out of you hand which is fully open. Thus having full access to your data and losing any type of data security you once had.

These type of actions are small because if the government want access to your device lawfully or unlawfully they will get it. The best thing you can do is when you are traveling is encrypt every type of data you have and travel very minimally.

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