Encryption, Do you need it?

picture of many lines of code that represents an encryption

Encryption is a key component of online security and keeping all your data safe from online hackers and bad actors. What is Encryption? Encryption is the process of encoding information. This process converts the plain text of code into an alternative form known ciphertext. Ideally only an authorized party can decipher the ciphertext back to …

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How to protect your cryptocurrency

Protecting your cryptocurrency from hackers is pretty easy if you follow these steps. First things First Never promote online you own or have bought any cryptocurrency. These type of promotions make you a target of bad actors. It is very easy for a bad actor to take a quick look at your social media profile …

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Step by Step Guide on how to stay Anonymous

This blog will be used as a very deep dive into staying anonymous in everything you do. This is not meant to be followed in every aspect. But servers as a guide on how to be untraceable and unnoticeable. Pick what would be most relevant to you How do they acquire your identity? First to …

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Items in every day life that hold location data

When we want to look at things that give away your location data in every day life you should be looking at where government get this information when they need evidence for a crime. When you look at court cases local police departments have a wide range of things they can pull data from that …

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Why is Decentralized authority in the internet good?

What is Decentralization? The definition of Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group. Through the last 7 years we have seen an explosion of thought for decentralization whether that be for government …

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Data Security when flying out of country

When is your device security and data security at its most vulnerable? When someone else has complete access to it with out your control Now this is a key point; when you are flying whether it be inside your country or out country. Every time you enter an airport you have to go through TSA …

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Virtual Private Server and Cloud

You may be asking what the difference between Virtual Private Server and Cloud is. There is no difference. Cloud and Virtual Private Servers are the same. Cloud is just an easy to remember nickname given to Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Here is a VPS service you can use So what is a Virtual Private Server? …

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Why it’s important to cover your laptop camera even when its off

If you own a laptop you definitely have a laptop camera. These cameras always have lights next to them to let you know when they are on. In all operating systems there is a way to allow and not allow access to certain apps or softwares to your camera. These functions are great for anyone …

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How to Air-Gap a device and what it does

To have a device that is Air Gaped it means this device does not have the ability to connect to the internet. Any data this device has or created has to be done with the laptop physically. Hackers do 99% of their destruction and stealing through an internet connection. Being Air Gaped does not mean …

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How to Stay Anonymous Online

How do you stay anonymous online? It is fairly easy to keep your privacy online if you stay aware. You can stay semi anonymous for free or if you pay a couple of bucks a month and are fine with slower internet, then no one will know where you are or who you are. How …

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