Apps that can be ruining your Data Security

Every single app that is free to use means you are the products being sold. This means when you go to the app store to download Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Cash App and Snapchat; they are all detriment to your personal data security. Well how do these companies take date from you or use it to …

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Data Security when flying out of country

When is your device security and data security at its most vulnerable? When someone else has complete access to it with out your control Now this is a key point; when you are flying whether it be inside your country or out country. Every time you enter an airport you have to go through TSA …

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Virtual Private Server and Cloud

You may be asking what the difference between Virtual Private Server and Cloud is. There is no difference. Cloud and Virtual Private Servers are the same. Cloud is just an easy to remember nickname given to Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Here is a VPS service you can use So what is a Virtual Private Server? …

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Why it’s important to cover your laptop camera even when its off

If you own a laptop you definitely have a laptop camera. These cameras always have lights next to them to let you know when they are on. In all operating systems there is a way to allow and not allow access to certain apps or softwares to your camera. These functions are great for anyone …

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How to Air-Gap a device and what it does

To have a device that is Air Gaped it means this device does not have the ability to connect to the internet. Any data this device has or created has to be done with the laptop physically. Hackers do 99% of their destruction and stealing through an internet connection. Being Air Gaped does not mean …

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What the Chinese balloon means for your Security.

Recently there was a Chinese Balloon floating through the continental US. This ballon was believed to be a spy balloon, but these reports are very narrow in what this object could be or what it can do. This ballon has a range of capabilities that it is not being reported on in the mainstream articles. …

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VPN’s: Is NordVPN right for you?

I have recently been promoting SurfShark as VPN in my blogs. A great product but I will be going into a deep dive into NordVPN NordVPN I have been using NordVPN for about 6 Years now and it has improved very much since then. When you are looking for a VPN that you are paying …

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How to Stay Anonymous Online

How do you stay anonymous online? It is fairly easy to keep your privacy online if you stay aware. You can stay semi anonymous for free or if you pay a couple of bucks a month and are fine with slower internet, then no one will know where you are or who you are. How …

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Is Putting Everything on the Cloud Smart? No

If you are a person who lives an average life with an average wage and not politically out spoken then, yes everything can go own the cloud. If you are not what I describe then everything is free game. Your data can be deleted in an instant. You can be found in an instant whenever …

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Never Tell Anyone Your Plans. – Security

Every day you wake up and scroll through social media and see a different person on vacation or post a random picture of their passport. These type of post are very dangerous, especially if your profile is public. The people who post about their location are setting up themselves to be targeted. Either their homes …

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