Does Apple Provide Good Data Protection?

As the leading global manufactures and vendors of mobile devices, Apple has repeatedly stated through campaigns and other PR platforms that they are committed to safeguarding their users privacy and security of their data. Is this true? A public battle over unlocking an iPhone for the FBI One example of apple taking data security to …

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How Does Bitcoin Keep you Anonymous

bitcoin and anonymity

Bitcoin is widely known for keeping security in transactions and keeping you anonymous from anyone wanting to know who wait transactions they are making. But how does Bitcoin actually keep you anonymous? Bitcoin Anonymous Addresses The most important feature of Bitcoin is someones ability to generate a random wallet from any application that supports Bitcoin. …

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The Tor Network and How it Works

The Tor Network is known for being synonymous with the DarkWeb. The “Tor” in Tor Network stands for “The Onion Router”. There is good reason for that without the Tor Network there would be no DarkWeb. The Tor Network was made by the United States Naval Research Laboratory in the mid 1990’s. The aim of …

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Where does your data go once stolen?

endless rows of servers in a data center that are lit up with red light from sensors, view is from the top like its a two story building, dark, ominus surrondings, 8k, --ar 3:2

There are over 2,200 cyberattacks that happen a day and climbing. To think your data will never be stolen or has never been stolen is a very bad way to think. This type of thinking creates bad habits in operational security with your private information and leaves you vulnerable to getting your identity stolen. Stolen …

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What is a Cybercriminal?

cybercriminal trying to steal someones information

Cybercriminals are the advent of the information age. You didn’t have cybercriminals in 1970s when the internet was just a few Ivy League colleges connected by wire. They came about because of the ease of access it provided people. The internet creates opportunity for everyone and these criminals look at the opportunities from an alternate …

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How to Know your Privacy Has Been Compromised

grapphic shows a door is being pulled open by a mischeveous charcter

Privacy is essential for any person to have freedom. It allows anyone to control what information can be seen by the public. If big tech companies operated in there personal lives how they do with the privacy of other then they would be living in a glass house. This is a problem for many and …

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Best Smart Home Devices for Renters

As the the interest rates rise many people are seeing it as very difficult and expensive to buy homes this means a rush to renting properties. So with the many people moving and needing home supplies that don’t alter their new home in any significant way smart home devices are the way to go. These …

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Secure Your Accounts with Two-Factor Authentication: A Beginner’s Guide

Two-Factor Authentication is a system which allows you to protect your personal accounts by linking your login to another device or means of communication that is not part of your initial log-in credentials. When you sign into this account with a password they send a code through text or email that you have access too. …

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How Cryptocurrencies Provide Financial Privacy and Security

Bitcoin and cryptography being secured

Cryptocurrencies popularity have been imploding due to its ability to provide financial security and privacy without the need of regulated banks. With the rise of security online and privacy because of bad actors and institutional failure cryptocurrencies have emerged as alternative to standard financial systems . In this post, we will go into detail on …

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Do you have a right to privacy?

What is the right to privacy? The right to privacy is the ability to keep personal information from unwanted eyes. The 4th amendment gives us the ability to stop the government from any search or seizures without a court order. This type of privacy is very respected for physical property such as your home and …

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