Is it Illegal to buy a Burner Phone?

effect of the patriot act on the American public

The world is turning more Orwellian by the day. Governments and corporations are cracking down on internet privacy. Governments reasons for this crack down is “for your protection”. So laws like the the Patriot Act which was seen as a good thing at a time, cracked down anonymity online through anti money laundering updates through …

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How to Add More Security to Your Wifi

wifi security

When you move into a new apartment or house the first thing most people do is setup their Wifi router through their ISP (Internet Service Provider). This is done quickly so all the devices in your home can start streaming like TV’s, computers and phones. This process should be done with caution and in a …

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How to Stream Netflix Without Paying The Extra 8 Dollars

As of this month Netflix has employed their countermeasure to password sharing between friends and family. What they do is make you choose a Home network for your account. Choosing a Home Network allows them to block any streaming that my occur on any other network. For example if you were to set your home …

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How to keep your Excel, Word and Powerpoint Files Private

Private files

Sharing excel files is very helpful for organizing data in many instances when you are doing work for your company or even filing your taxes in April. But most of the time this organized data has lots of confidential information. This confidential information could be anything from your Social Security number or even your height, …

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First Steps To Becoming Anonymous

anonymous picture

The first steps to becoming Anonymous online is knowing where your information can. come from. This information can be anything from your name or your social security number. So where can this information be located? There are multiple websites that sell your data for “background checks” they sell to companies or anyone who wants your …

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The Most Private VPN is a Personal VPN

VPN diagram of home devices connecting to a VPN

Every website, blog post and youtube video all are overloaded with VPN ads. We are not here to say it wrong because we run those same ads as well. But it is important to understand that paying for these VPN services may not be in your best interest in certain circumstances. They can be important …

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What is Data laundering?

data tranfers

There are many ways companies can get a hold of your personal information. This might be voluntarily where you give up your personal information willingly usually in exchange for a product or service. This is a great for both consenting parties. But their are sometimes where a service is needed without any other options and …

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How to Find and Delete Metadata

iceberg symbolized as metadata

Metadata can be located in any kind of document of piece of data that is created by a user. Just as easy as it can be created, metadata can be deleted and removed. First we must explain what metadata is. What is Metadata? We’ve already discussed this in a previous post, called “How to Remove …

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Difference Between WPA & WPA2: WiFi Security

Stock, Wifi Router, 612 by 612

In the early 2000s WiFi used to be slow and not useful for large tasks, since only a small amount of people and a small amount of tasks could be done on WiFi the Security protocol did not have to be as intuitive as other security protocols with wired internet. This security protocol they employed …

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How To Delete Your Data Off of Social Media

facebook subsidiaries

The most popular social media apps use an abundance of data to sell to advertisers. They get this data from their users by tracking their post’s, demographics, and any interest they talk about or interact with on the platform. There are many people who use social media apps for an extended amount of time and …

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