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Bitbox Xray

Why BitBox is Great for the New USB-C Age

What is BitBox? Well if your new to the internet or don’t know anything about crypto then this might seem like a magic internet box that is special and only very smart people have. Well yes and no, dumb people can have it to! Having BitBox makes you 99% smarter than the average population but …

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Can Microsoft read the data in your files?

Companies, Governments and privacy gurus (myself) are becoming 10x more risk averse when it comes to your data. Data that might seem so minute and unimportant can be used to identify you in a second. It could reveal your location, your age and even when you are going to the bathroom. So you can see …

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How to Remove Metadata from your Photos

Metadata is a huge culprit when it comes to privacy online. Anything you create or post online has some kind of Metadata that can reveal a number of things about where this data is coming from. Metadata main purpose is to not reveal information about you but it’s their so the programs processing this information …

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What is the Best Router to Buy?

Having the best WiFi modem in your hands is not just a luxury; it’s a practical necessity in today’s digitally connected world. Whether you’re an average user or a heavy gamer, a top-tier modem can significantly enhance your online experience. Let’s explore why having the best WiFi modem is advantageous and how it compares to …

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Wifi Jammer

Are You Allowed to Own a Wifi Jammer?

The technology environment is getting larger and cheaper day by day. This type of growth and deflationary pressure has allowed for things like the a less than 5 nanometer computer chips to be made and be accessible to your high-end gamer. These types of microchips have brought in a wide range of performance for large …

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Does your W-2 spy on you?

With Hybrid work and work from home becoming more prevalent after Covid-19, corporate life is being brought home and companies are giving everyone of their employees laptops. These laptops are given to employees to protect important company information. They protect this information by making sure you can’t send any kind of data off the laptop …

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EU Flag

What does EU’s New Battery Regulation mean for Privacy?

Remember the old spy movies where they would use a phone, then after the call was over they take out the battery and toss the phone and battery in the trash? First off, why did they do this? They did this because even when you think your phone is off it is never fully off …

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Is the iCloud Safe to Store Photos?

If you like to take pictures throughout your day to let people know what you are doing or create memories for yourself in the future then you probably have encountered a message in your phone that your storage is full. Some people then go and delete pictures that they like or they cough up a …

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disposable phone number service

How to Find a Disposable Phone Number Online

With our recent our Articles about Burner Phones and Prepaid SIM cards, We know that phones are one of the main devices where identity and private information can be revealed. A Phone number can say a-lot about a person. First it can tell what area you live in or what area you are from. This …

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SIM card

Better Alternative to a Burner Phone

Detailed in our post “Burner Phones/ Burner Accounts and how to get them” we talked about the best ways to get a burner phone or an account. These phones and accounts protect your anonymity while also allowing the versatility of an every day phone or email to sign up for things. But most the time …

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